Our Model Portfolios

How do you choose how much you want to invest in stocks or bonds? These allocation models can help you understand different goals-based investment strategies. We use mutual funds and ETF’s to structure each model so that you are diversified into the categories that consistently perform well in the long term. There's no right or wrong model, so it's important to tune in to what you feel best fits your goals and risk tolerance.


A growth portfolio consists of mostly stocks expected to appreciate, taking into account long-term potential and potentially large short-term price fluctuations. An investor seeking this portfolio has a high risk tolerance and a long-term investment time horizon. Generating current income isn’t a primary goal.


100% Stocks / 0% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 12.74%

Best year: 68.10%

Worst year: –16.72%

80% Stocks / 20% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 10.75%

Best year: 49.55%

Worst year: –18.14%

70% Stocks / 30% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 9.93%

Best year: 44.21%

Worst year: –18.24%



A balanced portfolio invests in both stocks and bonds to reduce potential volatility. An investor seeking a balanced portfolio is comfortable tolerating short-term price fluctuations, is willing to tolerate moderate growth, and has a mid- to long-range investment time horizon.


60% Stocks / 40% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 8.98%

Best year: 38.57%

Worst year: –17.91%

50% Stocks / 50% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 8.01%

Best year: 30.2%

Worst year: –17.34%

40% Stocks / 60% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 5.83%

Best year: 24.83%

Worst year: –17.06%



An income portfolio consists primarily of dividend-paying stocks and coupon-yielding bonds. If you're comfortable with minimal risk and have a short to midrange investment time horizon, this approach may suit your needs. Keep in mind, depending on the account, dividends and returns can be taxable.


30% Stocks / 70% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 4.82%

Best year: 19.69%

Worst year: –16.83%

20% Stocks / 80% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 3.8%

Best year: 14.78%

Worst year: –16.58%

100% Bonds

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 1.77%

Best year: 14.46%

Worst year: –16.15%


Dave Ramsey Model

This model combines Dave’s principles with our research on high quality, long-term investments. Its allocation is made up of the mutual funds from the four categories you have heard him speak about on his show. It is designed for investors with a high risk tolerance and long-term time horizon.

100% Stocks

Historical Return for September 2013-September 2023

Average annual return: 11.7%

Best year: 67.61%

Worst year: -28.44%


This information should not be relied upon for tax purposes and is based upon sources believed to be reliable. No guarantee is made to the completeness or accuracy of this information. Tucker Financial Group shall not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages, or other losses resulting from, or related to, the information, data, analyses or opinions contained herein or their use, which do not constitute investment advice, are provided as of the date written, are provided solely for informational purposes, and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security. This information has not been tailored to suit any individual.

Tucker Financial Group does not guarantee the results of its advice or recommendations, or that the objectives of a strategy will be achieved. Portfolios offered by Tucker Financial Group may not have contained and/or may not currently contain the same underlying holdings and may have been and/or may currently be managed according to rules or restrictions established by Tucker Financial Group.  No graph, chart, or formula in this presentation can be used in and of itself to determine which securities to buy or sell, when to buy or sell securities, whether to invest using this investment strategy, or whether to engage Tucker Financial Group’s investment advisory services.  Ramsey Solutions and Tucker Financial Group are not affiliated.